Recordings from a live broadcast with Dai Patterson, Lampter, Wales

These audio recordings can be 'listened online',
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More information - contact Dai Patterson

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  Title date
mins listen
13 Agrippa's Sister 09 Jun 2024 33 listen/dload
12 The faithful mercies of David 11 Feb 2024 59 listen/dload
11 Conflict...Spirit and flesh 20 Aug 2023 54 listen/dload
10 The Grace of God 23 Apr 2023 57 listen/dload
9 The Power of the Gospel 16 Oct 2022 53 listen/dload
8 Grace 27 Mar 2022 42 listen/dload
7 The Servant,  Isaiah - chapt 49 26 Sept 2021 44 listen/dload
6 Obedience 11 Apr 2021 49 listen/dload
5 The Church in the Revelation 29 Nov 2020 48 listen/dload
4 Having a clear conscience 27 Sept 2020 45 listen/dload
3 A True Disciple 27 July 2020 51 listen/dload
2 The Conscience 31 May 2020 36 listen/dload
1 His Glorious Death 26 April 2020 28 listen/dload





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